Monterey Jazz


About Monterey Jazz

Founded in 1958 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization, Monterey Jazz has been committed to celebrating America’s creativity and cultural heritage by presenting legendary jazz musicians, composers, and young rising stars.

Our Leadership

Our leadership team invests thousands of hours every year ensuring that our education programs are a success and our festival is an event you want to return to year after year.


Monterey Jazz Festival is an unforgettable meeting place, where we can not only uplift communities of color, but also learn from their experiences through culture and music. From Google leadership to HBCU students, we broke bread through an authentic appreciation for what we can learn from one another.
– Maria Medrano,
Global Diversity, Narrative & Public Policy

Our History

‘Timeless since 1958’ is more than just a tagline at Monterey Jazz.  The number of jazz greats that have graced the stage in our storied 67-year history is awe inspiring.

Timeless Since 1958

For over 65 years, Monterey Jazz has been committed to celebrating America’s creativity and cultural heritage by presenting legendary jazz musicians, timeless composers, and young rising stars.