monterey jazz festival


Press Credential Form

Thank you for your interest in covering the Monterey Jazz Festival. Media credential applications for MJF68 will be accepted from April 1 – August 1, 2025. You will be informed of your application status by September 1, 2025. The application form will go live on April 1, 2025. Please see below for information about MJF68 policies regarding media credentials.

Media credentials will be considered only for journalists who meet the following criteria:

  • A known and established media outlet with a circulation of at least 25,000 per month.
  • Social media followers of at least 10,000 followers per platform.
  • Links to past clips about the MJF or other event coverage.
  • All web/blog sites must be SSL encrypted and secure. Sites and blogs whose reach cannot be verified will not be considered.
  • MJF reserves the right to grant credentials for single days only based on size and reach of requesting outlet.
  • Credentials are for a single journalist only. Accompanying guests must buy a ticket.
  • Letters from assignment editors may be required.

Photography/Videography Disclaimer

Monterey Jazz reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Monterey Jazz, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Monterey Jazz may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Monterey Jazz including but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, emails, promotional videos, etc.

To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent, or legal guardian. A person attending a Monterey Jazz event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the event photographer/videographer at the time the photo or video is being taken.

By participating in a Monterey Jazz event, or by failing to notify the event photographer/videographer of your desire to not have your photograph used by Monterey Jazz, you are agreeing to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Monterey Jazz from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness.

Any person or organization not affiliated with Monterey Jazz may not use, copy, alter or modify Monterey Jazz photographs, graphics, videography, or similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from Monterey Jazz.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.