Monterey Jazz


Regional All-Star Middle School Combo

MJF Middle School COmbo MJF67 2024

As part of our ongoing support for music education in schools, Monterey Jazz is excited to introduce our remarkable 2025 Regional All-Star Middle School Combo. In the 2025 school year, students will have the benefit of working with some of the county’s best jazz educators.

Each all-star ensemble, featuring talented students from across Monterey County, rehearses twice monthly while working on ensemble skills including phrasing, blending, improvisation, and rhythmic feel. The ensembles perform across Monterey County and far beyond, testing their chops on the bandstand while bringing great jazz music to the community. The venues that have featured the Regional All-Star ensembles in the past include the Kennedy Center, the National Archives, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley in Seattle, San Jose Jazz Fest, Jazz on Plazz in Los Gatos, Forest Theater in Carmel-by-the-Sea, and Monterey Jazz Festival.

Contact Claire Kim-Shin, Director of Education at [email protected] or 831.373.8842 if you have any questions.

Our talented students say it best!

Being a part of the MJF All-Star program has been an excellent experience!

Through three years in All-Stars, my son’s musical abilities and confidence have matured significantly.

Every time my daughter attends rehearsals, she feels inspired by her peers who possess remarkable musical talent. She expresses that being involved in jazz music offers a different form of inspiration for her musical journey. She truly enjoys the program. Thank you so much!”


Meet the talent!

Anna Kim, flute

Anna Kalman-Zulik, alto saxophone

Patrick Tulley, tenor saxophone

Ivan Escorcia, trumpet

Zachary Gardner, trumpet

Maddax Powers, piano

Bryce Kanter, bass

Kaiya Newman, bass

Otli Gonzalez, drums

Kai Thomson, drums