Monterey Jazz


HBCU Partnerships

Since 2019, Monterey Jazz Festival has partnered with Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston, Texas, one of the largest and most comprehensive historically black colleges and universities in the nation to broaden the reach of the Monterey Jazz’s education programs to many more young people, while leveraging TSU’s commitment and legacy of jazz excellence.

In addition, HBCU jazz ensembles from across the country are invited to compete in our annual HBCU Jazz Combo Challenge. Via video performance submissions, the winning school is selected by a panel of jazz adjudicators and invited to perform at the Monterey Jazz Festival.


Monterey Jazz is pleased to announce the winner of our third annual HBCU Jazz Combo Challenge.

Congratulations to North Carolina Central University (NCCU)! The NCCU Jazz Combo I from Durham, North Carolina, directed by Prof. Robert Trowers, frequently perform at major national and international venues, festivals, and conferences. We are thrilled to welcome them back to the 68th Monterey Jazz Festival, September 26-28, 2025.

This year’s Honorable Mentions go to North Carolina A&T State University Jazz Combo and Florida Memorial University Young Lions Jazz Combo.

Big cheers and heartfelt thanks from Monterey Jazz to these incredible HBCU jazz ensembles! Experience their talent firsthand—watch their video submissions now playing on our YouTube channel! 🎶👏


About North Carolina Central University

North Carolina Central University’s Jazz Studies program has earned a reputation as one of the premier university programs. Started by the great jazz trumpeter Donald Byrd and brought to prominence by legendary saxophonist, flutist and educator Dr. Ira Wiggins, NCCU’s jazz faculty include Artists-in-Residence Branford Marsalis and Joey Calderazzo, in addition to department faculty Robert Trowers (trombone); Albert Strong (trumpet); Lenora Helm Hammonds (vocals and director, Vocal Jazz Ensemble); Jim Crew (piano); Thomas Taylor (drums and percussion); Damon Brown (bass), Shaena Ryan (saxophone) and J.C. Martin (guitar).

Large and small jazz ensembles from NCCU are frequently featured at major venues, festivals, and conferences such as the Jazz Education Network’s annual conference, the Newport, Montreux, and Vienne jazz festivals, and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Conference. NCCU’s Jazz Combo I has also appeared for the last three years at the Jack Rudin Jazz Championship Combo Showcase at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City, and in 2023, became the reigning number 1 champs of the Jack Rudin Collegiate Jazz Championships. Visit

North Carolina Central University Jazz Combo

Prof. Robert Trowers, director
Curtis Olawumi, trumpet
Ezra Tutt, alto saxophone
Brandon Seaforth, trombone
Joshua Rorrer, tenor saxophone
Jonah Smith, piano
Kenneth Gay, bass
Chrishawn Darby, drums
Margaret Johnson, Debbie Long, vocal

Note: The winning HBCU ensemble will be responsible for travel costs to participate in the 68th Monterey Jazz Festival. This includes roundtrip airfare, ground transportation, meals, and hotel accommodations.