Monterey Jazz


Festival Partners

Enjoy Multiple Benefits from a Variety of MJF Partnership Opportunities!

There are many ways to partner with the Monterey Jazz Festival, from sponsoring a stage at the Festival to supporting the year-round jazz education programs.


Monterey Jazz Festival is an unforgettable meeting place, where we can not only uplift communities of color, but also learn from their experiences through culture and music. From Google leadership to HBCU students, we broke bread through an authentic appreciation for what we can learn from one another.
– Maria Medrano,
Global Diversity, Narrative & Public Policy

Thank you to our Festival Partners!

The David & Lucile Packard Foundation / The National Endowment for the Arts / Monterey Symphony / Kairser Permanente / Alaska Airlines / Taylor Farms / Montage Health / Medcom Solutions / Inns of Monterey / Cal State Monterey Bay / Texas Southern University / AT&T / Castoro Cellars / Arts Council of Monterey Country / Marriott Monterey / Bank of America / Canterbury Woods / Signature Cruise Experiences (formerly Jazz Cruises) / Other Brother Beer / Alvarado Street Brewery / Folktale Winery & Vineyard / Local Motion Vodka Sodas / Naturipe / J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines / Steinway & Sons / Gretsch / DW Pedals and Hardware / LP / Remo / Integris Wealth Management / U.S. Pure Water / Alvarez Technology Group / SiriusXM / DownBeat / Monterey-Salinas Transit / Global / KSBW / KAZU 90.3 / Monterey Herald / KTSU Radio / KSQD 90.7

Gretsch Drums

Gretsch Drums and Latin Percussion wholeheartedly support and share the Monterey Jazz Festival’s mission of spreading joy, inspiration and community through music. We’re proud to partner with such a prestigious and respected organization that has been committed to showcasing jazz tradition and innovation for over 65 years. It is an absolute privilege to work with everyone at the Festival.
– Juels Thomas,